13 May 2023

We needed a miracle to launch our new website.

It has been 5 years since we last updated our website. We tried many times, multiple versions, more than I can count, but it never came out. It finally did.

The three shephards looking up to Our Lady of Fátima.

We were just too goddamn busy doing this kind of thing for other companies, but somehow we couldn't pull it off for us. We couldn't put in the necessary effort to build a website we'd be proud of. One that would truly represent us.

So we would simply set it aside and moved on to client projects. Half a decade of this. "We need a miracle", we said many times. It seemed it would never happen. Indeed, we needed a miracle.

“It must be this year or I quit!”

Pedro Brandão

Managing Partner at Significa

Today, on May 13th, allegedly the day Our Lady showed up in Fátima, we are launching a new website. Depending on your beliefs, this is either the first or the second miracle to happen on this day.

The new website

The website is out, and it represents who we are. It embodies our drive to go the extra mile and make things without logical sense besides stretching the line, being punny, funny, even cringy at times, and making people smile. I'm smiling while I write this as I think of everything we shoved into this website. We hope you do too when you visit it.

For starters, we've used Comic Sans MS #freecomicsans. We considered Times New Roman too. But that would be too much for the Designers out there. Wouldn't it?

Hereon shall I list some of them exciting things. You can draw your own Segg, fry an egg, play the dumbest Tic Tac Toe, grow a plant in a pot, and have your Tarot read. All of this in the Careers page. You can play Find Waldo, Nobita edition, on the 404. You can try the Get a Quote form and be surprised by Nobita himself. You can type things into the About page and play Jenga with it. You can drag my face across a timeline on the Services page and get blasted by confetti. Among a bunch of other things, I dare you to find.

There are people's faces on stickers scattered around the website. Why, you may ask? We had no reason. We were creating these stickers for a laugh, to mess around. Then we laughed so much that we decided to put it on the website. They weren't supposed to be there in the first place.

Website Stickers on the About page

And then there's the tone of voice. If you'd visit us, you'd experience the most casual environment. We make fun of each other, with each other. We mock one another while we work. We prank the next person for a laugh. We do not have a formal environment at all. We can only foster creativity in a habitat like this, where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves, judgment-free.

Anyway, I'm digressing. Our tone of voice must reflect the above. And if there's one thing our older website didn't have was an accurate tone of voice. Nor egg puns. It was about time to change it, and now we have plenty. Of both.

Significa Tone of voice

This type of content writing comes naturally to us. Perhaps even too naturally. How many times have we gathered the (fictional) Ethics Committee to oversee the things we write?! The paragraph about Our Lady's appearance at the top of this article was subject to careful deliberation. Because, you know, I wanted to write "The first ever miracle to happen on May 13th". The committee wouldn't let me. They said I would be getting into foggy weather. I'm shrugging as I'm writing this.

Significa Ethics Committee

Again, I digress.

Aside from all the shenanigans, there's adequate stuff as well. I'm just not going to describe them because they are not as fun. However, the clock on the Get a Quote page which shows your timezone compared to ours? Brilliant. The fact that we created a dedicated page for each of our team members (current and past) with their contributions to Significa? Considerate.

Releasing the website on a Saturday?

Yeah, we know. Product Management 101, do not make releases at the end of the week or the weekends. We know that. But, and this is a big but, you gotta know the rules to break them. Plus, the miracle thing. We had to embrace it and use it as a joke. We just couldn't let it vanish. Pun intended. Have you seen the website teaser? We actually created a sticker for Our Lady of Fátima. I bet she'd be proud (I wrote this post-committee review. They wouldn't let me).

Our Lady saying goodbye

We hope you've enjoyed this article and the website as well. Ciao!

Rui Sereno

Managing Partner

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A long time ago Rui decided to put his glory days as a designer behind his back to embrace the Managing Partner role at Significa. Now, no one knows exactly what he does when he’s not playing Nintendo. He believes himself to be the deserving Significa 2020, 2021, and 2022 Cook-off champion and is having a hard time acknowledging the truth.

We build and launch functional digital products.

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